We often find new clients and potential clients getting in touch, but unaware of what an Initial Podiatry Consultation can offer you, and how it can help you in the long term. So we thought we would give you a general insight in to what to expect!
Not sure what to expect from an Initial Podiatry Consultation?
Struggling with foot and leg pain?
Concerned about lesions on the foot?
Have the shape of your feet changed?
Or simply never had your feet checked?
A Podiatry consultation may be the key to getting you pain free and active again!
Our Initial Podiatry Consultations are the appointment recommended for all new clients!
This session is usually up to 45 minutes long. Giving our clinicians the opportunity to gain an in depth understanding of your medical history, your presenting complaint and an understanding of your lifestyle. This in turn, helps us to develop an appropriate treatment plan for you.
A typical Initial Podiatry Consultation for somebody presenting with nail and skin issues (such as thickened nails, painful nails, corns and callus) would include:
Filling out a medical history form with your clinician (including your medications, allergies and any history of current or previous medical issues). This is important as it allows us to modify are treatments specific to you. For example; a client who has a history of heart issues and high blood pressure may be taking a medication such as Warfarin. This is an anti-coagulant, which means certain precautions may need to be made during your treatment).
Your clinician will then check the condition of your feet and legs. This will include checking for any unusual marks or lesions. Checking the circulation and pulses, and sensation in the feet. These parts of the consultation are extremely important as they can hi light issues that you may otherwise be unaware of, including but not limited to: neuropathy (loss of sensation), vascular issues, which may be a result of issues such as diabetes or various circulatory disorders.
Assessing the issue you are presenting with and developing a suitable treatment plan with you in mind. You may think you simply need a bot of hard skin removed. But what we are actually doing is investigating the reason the hard skin is occurring. It may be due to footwear, issues with the way you are walking, or the knock on effect from knee, hip or back issues: all of which we can address.
Carry out the treatment. A common treatment usually entails: Cutting and filing of the nails, callus and corn removal (we use a pain free method using sterile surgical instruments) followed my an application of intensively moisturising foot cream; leaving the foot feeling pain free, smooth and luxurious.
(We will also address and treat any other issues such as verrucae, fungal infections, ingrown nails, thickened nails and more).
Provide ongoing, self care and clinical advise.
- We have range of treatment plans and after care appointments available for different conditions and requirements. But we do ask that all new clients book in for an Initial Podiatry Consultation for us to provide you with the best treatment plan possible.

Initial Podiatry Consultations: £52