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Introducing Nail Reconstruction


Do you have damaged or unsightly nails which are difficult to maintain and/or conceal?

Here at Henley Podiatry and Health Therapies our Podiatry and Foot Health team understand the difficulty in maintaining foot care. And sometimes, no matter how hard you try, a damaged nail can look different to your 'normal' nails for long periods of time.

That's why we are pleased to provide Wilde-Pedique LCN Nail reconstruction.

This is a designed especially for toenails due to its high occlusion ability and its flexibility.

It contains an anti-fungal agent and is ideal for cosmetically treating fungal, damaged and unsightly nails. .

The finished nail reconstruction is suitable to have nail varnish applied at your local nail salon.

Nail reconstruction is able to last up to 8 weeks. We recommend having it removed at a minimum of 8 week periods to ensure the underling nail is regrowing suitably.

High impact activities such as running or activities such as swimming may reduce the time the nail reconstruction is able to stay in place.

If you would like to try Nail Reconstruction, we recommend that you book and Initial Podiatry or Initial Foot Health Practitioner assessment in the first instance.

This allows our practitioners to complete a comprehensive medical history to ensure you are suitable for the treatment, ensure you have the right diagnosis for your problem nails, and to provide you with a full foot care appointment, including an in depth explanation of the nail reconstruction and price quote for your requirements. And if possible (time permitting) prep the nail for the nail reconstruction.

Initial Podiatry Assessment: £52

Initial Foot Health Practitioner Assessment: £45

Nail Reconstruction appointment (incl one nail): £50

Additional nail prices vary on depending on nail size.



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